Teaching @ Princeton
From 2012-2016 I taught undergraduates at Princeton as a graduate assistant instructor (“preceptor,” in Princeton’s argot), with particular focus on teaching interdisciplinary popular forms. In addition to running course meetings for undergraduate students, I participated in assignment design and course administration. A list of my Princeton teaching experience is below, and a selection of my student evaluations from my teaching at Princeton will be available as part of my dossier on Interfolio.
ENG 357: Topics in American Literature: American Best Sellers (Fall 2015)
Preceptor for Bill Gleason
Guest Lecture: “The Detective Novel and the Truth: Farewell, My Lovely” (see the slides)
Notable Pedagogy: digital humanities classroom tools (live polling devices)
ENG 221: Words and Music (Spring 2015)
Preceptor for Nigel Smith
Notable Pedagogy: musical vocabulary and close reading
ENG 308: American Cinema (Fall 2014)
Preceptor for Diana Fuss
Notable Pedagogy: visual vocabulary and close reading
ENG 267: Crime, Fiction & Film (Spring 2014)
Preceptor for Michael Wood
Notable pedagogy: literature in translation, reading between film and fiction
ENG 370: Contemporary Fiction (Spring 2012)
Preceptor for Benj Widiss
Guest Lecture: “‘Only Connect’?: Zadie Smith and E.M. Forster”
Notable pedagogy: experimental aesthetics